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Camping Regulations

- Every camper must report the arrival at the reception with the passport, identycard or valid campingcard.
- Departure time is 14.00 p.m. Every late departure is charged 50% of the daily campprice.
- Every visitor should be reported at the reception. Visitors' vehicles are not allowed in the campingsite. They must be parked at the special place at the main entrance, in front of the reception.              
- Vehicles are not allowed to enter the camp-site after 24.00 hrs until 7.00 hrs. They must be parked at the parkingplace, in front of the reception. ( main entrance ).
- It is allowed to keep domestic animals, but they must be on a short leash at all times. Walking with the animals outside of the campingground.
- Chemical toilets must be discharged at the special places.

- Telephonenumbers of the owners Beatrix and Manolis Sampariotis:
   0030/6937100027  and   0030/6936065794
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